iziLookbook Terms and Conditions

Delivering content and liability

After concluding the agreement, lookizi will develop the iziLookbook based on the information provided by you. Should you fail to provide the requested information on time, lookizi shall be entitled to suspend the execution of the agreement until you have fulfilled your obligations. The costs associated with the delay and/or costs incurred shall then be for your account. lookizi b.v. shall perform the agreed services to the best of its ability and expertise. The obligations of lookizi shall be construed as obligations to perform to the best of one's abilities and not as obligations to achieve a result, unless the nature of the relevant provision clearly dictates otherwise. As far as we are concerned, building the iziLookbook page never takes longer than three hours and is delivered within two weeks unless, for whatever reason, you need several rounds of corrections or you keep postponing the agreement to go live, for example, due to busyness. The two-week period starts on the day the requested information is provided.


Liability of lookizi b.v. for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, and missed savings, are excluded. lookizi b.v. cannot be held to fulfil any obligation if a circumstance beyond the control of lookizi b.v., which could not or should not already have been foreseen at the time the agreement was concluded, arises. Such circumstances may include, for example, (a) disruptions of the internet or other telecommunication facilities, (b) misuse or hacks committed by third parties against the infrastructure of lookizi or your iziLookbook, (c) government measures, (d) shortcomings by parties on whom lookizi depends for its services.


Duration of the agreement

The duration of the agreement is for an unspecified period with a minimum of one year from the agreed starting date. lookizi b.v. works with annual contracts. Each annual contract is tacitly renewed for a period of one year after expiry. For options added later in a subscription structure, a minimum term of one year applies from the agreed start date.


Rate and payment

The one-off costs included in this order are fixed as long as the setup is the same as that of the demo version. Additional requirements will be invoiced on subsequent calculations, which means that the number of hours spent on delivery will differ. Two months after start-up, recalculated hours are charged at all times (i.e. even without agreement). More or fewer hours incurred after that time will again be charged according to actual costs after delivery.


All amounts mentioned remain unchanged during the chosen price-fixing period of one year, are exclusive of 21% VAT, and are subject to errors. lookizi b.v. has the right to increase its rates every year. Whenever the chosen price-fixing period expires, the old rates are automatically adjusted to the then-current new rates. The agreement and, thus, the first payment start on the order date (also the date of the agreement) with a payment term of 14 days.


Payment in instalments (not applicable to all products)

Payment in instalments of the subscription amount is possible by issuing a SEPA standing order. Your annual fee will then be collected in 12 monthly instalments. You have selected this option when selecting your package (if possible). When monthly invoices cannot be collected, you pay the remaining annual amount in advance. You will first receive a residual invoice for this. In future, you will pay follow-up invoices annually in advance. If the amount due is not paid and we are forced to call in a collection agency, the additional costs are 15% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of €150 plus VAT.


Copyrights, intellectual property rights and changing website partner

lookizi b.v. is a subsidiary of iziContent b.v. All intellectual property rights to the content and to all products/services made available to you by lookizi as part of the services are held exclusively by iziContent b.v. or its licensors. Removing or changing any indication concerning copyright, brands, trade names or other intellectual property rights from the materials is not permitted. Duplication in any form whatsoever, or making accessible, transferring or making available in any way whatsoever to any third party is only permitted after prior written consent has been obtained from iziContent b.v. In the event of improper use of (image) material, you will receive, without further notice, a fine to be determined by iziContent b.v. for each image, 3D frame and any other part of the iziLookbook used. This will include the use of digital fingerprints. The amount of the fine depends on the number of images and components and on the requirement set by the original owner. iziContent b.v. charges €800 per copied component (even if the content has been modified after duplication) and per day that the infringement is not terminated, in addition to the possible fines you may receive through our partners themselves. The 3D frames and front views are also the property of TRY ME Technology, which has only given lookizi permission to use and process this content in the iziLookbook platform. The parties who have only given iziContent b.v. permission to use their (image) material, also carry out strict checks for unlawful use and will hold you directly liable. This can sometimes be years later.



Termination and dissolution

Termination is possible with observance of the official notice period of at least three months before the renewal date. You can cancel by sending an email to info@lookizi.nl. As soon as you receive a confirmation email from us, the cancellation is final and processed in the administration. If you have not received a confirmation, please let us know. You must pay the full amount due until the end of the term. Restitution is not possible. The agreement can be dissolved immediately in the following cases in writing or by email: (a) you are in default of an obligation under this agreement, (b) in the event of death, suspension of payments or bankruptcy. If the agreement is dissolved, the claims of lookizi on you shall be immediately claimable. lookizi b.v. shall always retain the right to claim damages. At the end date of the contract, we will remove the iziLookbook page from the internet free of charge and without further notice. Nothing within the iziLookbook becomes your property. To avoid misunderstandings, please read these terms and conditions again after termination. This agreement is exclusively governed by Dutch law. Any disputes shall be submitted to the competent court in the district where lookizi b.v. is located.

Our general terms and conditions of delivery can be found on our website https://www.lookizi.nl/izixperience-center/. In case of contradictions with our general terms and conditions of delivery, this agreement will prevail.

Collector details: lookizi BV - Straatweg 138a, 3051BN, Rotterdam - 010-4363263 collector ID: NL88ZZ513989070000 - Authorisation Reference: this will be your customer number. IBAN NL48RABO0133490300 - Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam 51398907 – VAT NL8232.65.572.B01
